The more planning and preparation involved,
the more smoothly the international move will go.
Before choosing an international moving company, do everything possible to minimize the amount of items you will move. Now is a good time to declutter and maybe have a garage sale. It might be cheaper to sell or store many of your items and buy replacements in your new country, rather than pay to have them shipped there. Ask the name of the trade organization that they belong to & the amount of time they have been in business in both the country of origin & the country that you are moving to.
When moving to another country there are many extra considerations:
Prepare an inventory of all your belongings and from that list determine which items require shipping and those items that need be stored. Then brief your removalist accordingly
Some items will need to be disposed of or collected, or sale arranged. Allow enough time for sale of major possessions such as a car
Arrange travel documentation including booking flights, airport transfers, passports and visas. Check customs requirements
Apprise yourself of luggage and customs restrictions
Research and collate a file on your new country of residence. Include maps, travel guides, language translators etc
Transport and care of pets, including quarantine, needs be considered
Insurance for personal travel, transport of belongings as well as medical insurance needs to be arranged
Establish appropriate bank accounts in your new country
Cancel redundant credit or store cards
Advise all financial institutions of your move, including the Tax Department, Pension funds and Investment Portfolio etc
Share portfolios to be collated and copied
Custom Duties may apply to those goods shipped , so investigate and prepare as required
Contact Electoral office for overseas voting arrangements
Apply for overseas driving licence and obtain driving record details as pertains to insurance rebates etc
Domestic appliances need to be disconnected and some appliances will need be adapted for use in a foreign country
Comprehensively list then advise all your service providers: Internet, Cable TV ,Utilities, garbage removal
Cancel social associations memberships where relevant.
Obtain medical and dental records and any interim prescriptions that might be required.
Obtain prescriptions for glasses
Arrange for vaccinations and inoculations
Personal papers require special attention. Everything from Marriage, Birth and Death Certificates to Wills and School Records. Keep duplicates in separate file
Educational institutions need to be researched thoroughly and enrolments completed as a matter of priority
Cleaning and sorting the pantry by disposing of out of date items, placing open packages into plastic containers, disposing of items not suitable for shipping.
Plan Ahead For Moving Day
Check parking requirements for the moving truck at both properties and obtain parking permits if relevant.
Inform neighbours of parking needs prior to moving day. Start your packing well ahead,
don’t forget your priority carton. MOVINGHOUSE can assist with your decluttering, sorting & packing.
On moving days have access to snacks, water & drinks to ensure everyone is well hydrated.

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